Saturday, October 10, 2009

Motorola vs ZTE.

The rumor has been around for a while, that Motorola is going to sell off its mobile phone business, and one of the possible buyer is ZTE from China. As a telecom veteran, I happened to have working experience for both companies. These two companies have completely different culture.

In principle, Motorola is a company with many talented Engineers, who take pride of their technical achievement.  You will be convinced just by looking at Iridium project.  I used to be an insider, and have chance to work for their CDMA project. I am convinced after experiencing the maturity level of Software Engineering, from both process and technical perspective. However, Motorola has other problems, should be hard to grow their business. ZTE has many talented Engineers also, but its top priority is making money (though officially all companies top priority goal is to make money), with all kind of means you can or cannot think of.  Of course, there is nothing wrong also.

Anyway, I don't think the acquisition can turn into reality now or someday in the future. Even if it becomes true, the new joint company will not generate any profit. 

最近MOT要出售手机业务的消息传的沸沸扬扬, 而传说中可能的买家之一, 就是中兴通讯。作为通讯界的过来人, 我正好在这两家公司都工作过,对两家公司的文化都有所体会。我无法想象这样的两家公司怎么会和到一起去。一家富有绅士风度,以工程师文化为荣。另一家以赚钱为第一目的(当然,也没有错)。这个合并是一件不可能的事, 即使发生了, 也没办法盈利。不过, 我很佩服以前的那些同事们, 十年的时间把中兴做成了一间大公司,祝他们继续取得成功!

1 comment:

  1. The Chinese telecom service has gain the No. 6 spot in the global rankings of cell-phone makers. Motorola has launched its Jewels range which is for the competition with the ZTE. Both are the largest companies and they are providing a large range of products.configuration management
