Sunday, June 21, 2020

ARM in a nutshell.

What is ARM ?

ARM is an Advanced RISC Machine,. 

It is a RISC not CISC processor.  It is basically a LOAD-STORE architecture, where data processing operations are only between registers and does not involve any memory operations. 

It is a 32 bit processor and also has variants of 16 bit and 8 bit architecture, so a word is 32 bits, not 16 bits.

It got auto-increment and auto decremented addressing modes to optimize program loops, which is not very common with RISC processors.

It has a very good speed vs power consumption ratio which makes it suitable for embedded system.

It has 3 stages pipe-line: Fetch, Decode and Execute. 

7 sounds a lucky number for ARM: 

It has 7 operating modes:  Supervisor mode;  User Mode, System Mode, Fast Interrupt Mode, Interrupt Mode, Undefined mode and abort Mode. 

It has 7 interrupts/exceptions, Reset, Undefined, Pre-fetch abort, data abort, software interrupt, FIQ and IRQ, make ARM enter 5 modes, User Mode and System Mode do not need interrupt to enter,

It has 7 addressing modes: immediate mode, index mode, indirect mode, absolute (Direct) mode register mode, displacement mode and Auto-increment/Auto'decrement mode. 

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